Wednesday, August 26, 2015

RAC: A Collaboration of Goodness

So here's one that's been around for a bit, but I just find them way too cool not to share. Or should I say him?

RAC stands for Remix Artist Collective, which is the solo indie electronica project of André Allen Anjos. He and a group of other musicians from various genre's mission was to make remixes of songs that did not sound forcibly club-like or hyper electronic, but rather a creative collaborative to finagle something new and identifiably fun.

His work with numerous artists (to name a few: Lana Del Rey, Strangers, Phoenix, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Two Door Cinema Club, U2, Kings of Leon) to dream up new versions of how their songs could be in a different light, a different feeling, is what makes RAC so magnificently genius. It is completely fascinating to me that the entire emotion of a song can be immediately changed by just a little change of this, a slight tweak of that. Happier, sadder, more energized, more relaxed; RAC takes a good thing and makes it even better.

For those of you (like me) who are video game nerds out there, specifically of the older collections, you'll really love his work with Nintendo vs. Sega mixes. I've never nerded out so hard to music in my life before hearing these mash-ups. No doubt what probably started as just a fun project for Anjos, he has taken the 90's kids childhood memories and made them into danceable mixes for the geek in us all.

I find my personal favorite to be the Koopa Troopa Beach mix. Now there's something that takes me back. I danced to the original version in my seat whilst playing Mario 64, so it's no surprise that the mixed version makes me leap around my room.

The people below my floor must hate me.

Now, instead of taking songs previously recorded and then remaking them, he is currently collaborating with artists to make original work. If I wasn't already sold on what RAC was selling before, now I'm buying the lot. This stuff is gold.

Cheap Sunglasses, sung by Zedd's favorite vocalist, Matthew Koma, is probably at the top of my favorites. This song would put the grumpiest of people in a good mood, I am adamant. I thought I failed a final exam (and later found I didn't) but in the meantime as I was getting ready in my bedroom for my day, this song came on and I couldn't control myself. The hairbrush microphone was out of control. 

The people below my floor must really hate me.

So! As always, I encourage you to take a peak at RAC's Youtube channel. Follow RAC on every form of social media. And, of course, like and subscribe :)

Happy Listening!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Blood Orange: Just As Sweet As It Sounds

Recently, I've had a bit trouble choosing what I want to do with my life, career wise. I was a Marketing major, and quickly found out that the business prerequisites were absolutely not my cup of tea. So, just like any college student would do, I quickly ran to my counselor begging him to help me decide on another major. So far, we've come up with Advertising Public Relations being the best bet. And while I'm a little worried that this new major will prevail to be not the right fit, I really really hope it is, for my own sanity's sake.

Being that Ad-Pr has a lot to do with social media these days, I've decided I need to keep up with this blog a little better. So, again, I present to you another band!

Blood Orange

I came across them on another blog about bands that rocked out at this year's recent Lollapalooza performances and immediately ran to my Spotify to hear what Blood Orange could offer. I was not disappointed. 
Dev Hynes (left) is Salonge Knowles's producer who has broken out and made his own music. This keyboard and synth soaked Indie R&B is just what I imagine Prince and Passion Pit's baby would sound like, were it born in Portland, Oregon and then moved to the neon-lit Miami streets in its young adulthood.
Complicated metaphor but you get the point.

Blood Orange's #1 song, 'You're Not Good Enough', paints the perfect mental picture of the self-empowering insult to your ex-lover that they'll never be good enough for you and that you're cutting them out for good. I mean, how many times have we all wanted to have the guts to tell our ex that they suck and were never good enough for you? I think we all need a little courage like that.

All the other stuff I've heard off the album is great too. Give them an ear!

As always,
Happy Listening!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Magic Man--Now You Hear Them....

I must find a better way to keep myself disciplined into making sure I keep writing on this blog. I've got to make sure I keep letting my creativity grow in all aspects that I can. I'm going to keep working on my guitar skills and cooking, and I'm still going to keep hoping that this blog will lead me somewhere.

But enough about me!

Well, maybe a little more about me....I'm an avid Spotify user. I absolutely love Spotify. I only have the free version right now, but I'm planning on buying Spotify Premium and just letting my music obsession ensue. But the other day, I was listening to a playlist and a commercial came on advertising this band that just came out with a new album. And as the woman who was speaking about the bands voice talked about the album and the new hit song, I listened to the actual song that was playing in the background that I decided was rather catchy, at least to my ears. I immediately grabbed my phone before the ad went away so I could check out the album, and upon inspection by playing it on shuffle, I decided I really liked their band.

I present to you...Magic Man:

So, no, I didn't find this band on Twitter, but I did find them in an unconventional way, so I think I'll let them qualify. I really think everyone will enjoy their sound. I hope that they become more popular.

They use quite a bit of electronic/synthetic elements to their music; thoroughly an alternative/indie band. The lead singer's voice sounds distinctly 80's to me and I don't really know myself what that means, but it makes me feel like I'm transported back to that time. And the girl on the keyboard/synth is a rockstar. The fast beats of their songs give you the feeling of (to quote their song) having "a restless heart".

I could see myself running into the sea to these songs, splashing wildly into the ocean spraying the foam all around. I can feel myself driving fast down a highway into the evening sky with friends as we all throw our hands into the air and our voices into the night. These songs proclaim the notions of "restless hearts" and being "alive" to "live for it"; every melody bursting with a pulsing heartbeat driving you to take the next steps in your life and forget the past.

Check them out! Follow them on Twitter and YouTube! I promise you won't be disappointed. I love this album.

The song I found first was "It All Starts Here" in case you were curious.

Music Man Youtube Channel
Magic Man Twitter

As always, happy listening! -Ally

Monday, July 28, 2014

A poem...

Not my usual thing to do on here but it's late, I'm bored, and I haven't written on this blog for a good long while. 

Would you weep? By me. 

Would you weep for me, my love?
If the sky that sits above 
Like a blanket swaddling the earth 
In shades of warmth and giddy mirth
Were to crumble right on top of me
And nothing it'd leave but dust and debris 
Turning dark as a stormy sea
Would you weep, my love, would you weep 
For me?

Would you cry for me, my dear?
If you heard my screaming full of fear
When the dark night comes swallowing joy
And the undertaker uses our souls as toys 
As I fight to sprint towards the light 
To escape, what is, that dreadful night
Would you turn your face from the sight?
Or would you cry, my dear, would you cry 
For me?

If I should die before I wake
I'd hope, my love, for my own sake
You'd miss my smile, my eyes, my lips 
The tender pressure of my kiss 
Cover me with silk for when I go
And if you wonder, please always know
There's no one on earth that I have loved so

I would weep, my love
I would cry, my dear 
For you. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Birds of Tokyo: Soaring To The Top Charts

Sorry for not being around for a while. Finals are coming up and I also got a job so I've just been a little too busy to keep up with my research...but good news! Another new follower! And these guys are seriously great.

I love their sound. It's got this really hopeful quality to it. I've decided it sounds like the part of a soundtrack where the two single people who lost their love together both realize that they actually had something worth fighting for...(cue montage of the two people running towards each other dramatically and meeting in the middle).

Cheesy image but you get the point.

I really like the lead singers voice. I guess it's not really unique in the way you would categorize Adele's sultry voice or the lead singer of The 1975's thick Manchester accent, but I think it's a tone we haven't really heard in the lead singer of a bands voice for a bit. Recently, I feel like boy-band tenors are the craze, and while there is totally nothing wrong with that sound, it just gets a little overdone don't you think? Which is why I like this guy! His voice is a lot more mellow and pretty mid-range.

The whole band's sound owns the dramatic optimism that's great for driving, studying, hanging out with your friends, or doing anything else that could use a little drama. Not that your life needs anymore of it, but you understand what I mean. Sometimes, life could use a touch of theatrics, just something to remind us of our youth and the short amount of time we have to make it count. After all, no one ever smiles fondly about the nights where they got plenty of sleep in their room...alone. Everyone wants to remember the night that you shouted off the rooftops to the city below, or danced on the bar with your friends confidently without liquid courage to even blame it on, or boldly kissed a stranger and realized that that kiss was the best thing you've felt in a while.

Everyone wants a moment where they can (to quote Perks of Being A Wallflower) feel infinite.

I want a night like the scene where Charlie just reaches his head out of the truck a stretches his arms out wide with a grin like he's flying under the bridge.
To do on Bucket List: Perform Charlie's flight on a perfect night with perfect friends blaring perfect music.

My favorite song of their creation, along with a million (literally) others is "Lanterns". This song is the epitome of that hopeful tone that is synonymous with being young and wild and free. Honestly though, I haven't found a tune yet on their albums that I don't like.

I highly encourage you guys to check them out on Spotify or buy their stuff on iTunes. Listen to them on their YouTube channel: birdsoftokyo and follow follow follow follow them on Twitter cause that's what this blog is all about! @birdsoftokyo

Listen away my fellow music lovers!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Fourth & Coast-ing Into Your Heart

Back when I used to spend hours upon hours on Twitter, I was a groupie for Yellowcard and Imagine Dragons and followed their every tweet religiously, and tweeted at them constantly though they never tweeted back. However, because of my ever-present visibility on their pages, some small bands and beginning artists started following me like wildfire, and some of them are honestly very good.

One of those many bands is the one I’ll be showcasing today is Fourth & Coast. They’ve gotten more popular now than when I first found them, but nonetheless they’re still great so they deserve a little shine.

This is the kind of band that Hollister picks to blare while you're feeling your way through the darkness trying to find your size in their overly priced cotton t-shirts (I'm being hypocritical right now though cause I love me some Hollister). I would describe their sound as pop punk, so like, All Time Low-ish...but more like Hot Chelle Rae and Allstar Weekend. It’s the kind of music you would sashay around your room with hairbrush-microphone in hand and flinging your mane to a wild mess of tangles, shout singing lyrics a little off-key...or extremely off key.

What is doubly cool about this band (and I use doubly for a reason) is because they have two albums out now! So double the music, double the fun, right?

The earlier one is Heavy Hearts and surprise, surprise, has love-based tunes that someone would expect to be belted out by that sensitive guy who sits on the lawn outside and plays his guitar just for anyone listening because “he’s just chill like that, man.”

The latest EP is called Feels Like Summer. This is the stuff you blast on the way to the beach with the windows down doing that stupid dolphin thing you do with your hand when you stick it out the window that’s interestingly entertaining and doesn’t have an expiration date on what age is acceptable to do it. DOLPHIN HANDS 4 LYFE. 

Some tracks that I really like off the albums would be:

1.     “Feels Like Summer”, the album titled song that embodies the carefree summer jams you'd want to blare as soon as you’re finished with your final exams and finalizing your plans to increase your risk of skin caner and decrease your amount of stressful occupations.


 “Ain’t Got a Care in the World”. You know that song that makes you rock your head/body side to side in pure euphoric bliss in your car, unaware of all the other drivers that are staring at you half judgingly, half wishing that they were having as much fun as you were on their commute? This is that jam.

3.     “Heavy Hearts”. Another album titled song. I just really like this one because it’s soulful. The simple acoustic quality just gives it that sweetness that makes you wish you had someone to lay your head on their shoulder. It’s just that kind of sound.

So! Follow them on Twitter! @fourthandcoast 
They’re also on iTunes and Spotify and of course their Youtube channel: FourthandCoast

OOH! And a new one that they just released!

Happy listening ya'll!


I met these two guys that also lead worship in my church band--James and Warren Major. They're identical twins that are equally as talented in music as the other. They are so identical that in their band's music videos, Youtubers commented that they were amazed that one guy switched from piano to guitar in between camera shots. Some of the few ways I've learned to differentiate between the two is by the direction they part their hair and the style of hugs they give. Weird, I know, but it works.

By the way, I'm a worship leader at my church in Orlando, guys.

But anyway, the twins and their friends happen to have a band which also happens to be very good for which I happen to think you should give a listen to.

How I would categorize their sound, from a comparability standpoint and because they do a few covers of their songs, is that they sound kinda like one of my personal favorites, Augustana. Yeah, you all remember the song "Boston" that we all slaved over the piano for hours to try and play that tinkling melodic intro? I do, because I did. And I learned it by ear so it's probably not even right. No shame.

Anyways, their name is Savannah and they have one album out so far called Vessels but they are about to go back into the studio very soon to create another masterpiece which I'm sure will be just as great, if not better, than their first album.

I personally really enjoy the tracks "Violent Red" and "Nowhere To Run" but I think they're all good listening.

If you wanna give them a listen, they are on iTunes, Spotify, Youtube, and you can also follow their Facebook page. Not sure if they have a Twitter cause I haven't found it yet but I'll keep you posted if I do.


Youtube account: wearesavannah

Violent Red: 

Nowhere To Run:

Happy listening!! :)