Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Blood Orange: Just As Sweet As It Sounds

Recently, I've had a bit trouble choosing what I want to do with my life, career wise. I was a Marketing major, and quickly found out that the business prerequisites were absolutely not my cup of tea. So, just like any college student would do, I quickly ran to my counselor begging him to help me decide on another major. So far, we've come up with Advertising Public Relations being the best bet. And while I'm a little worried that this new major will prevail to be not the right fit, I really really hope it is, for my own sanity's sake.

Being that Ad-Pr has a lot to do with social media these days, I've decided I need to keep up with this blog a little better. So, again, I present to you another band!

Blood Orange

I came across them on another blog about bands that rocked out at this year's recent Lollapalooza performances and immediately ran to my Spotify to hear what Blood Orange could offer. I was not disappointed. 
Dev Hynes (left) is Salonge Knowles's producer who has broken out and made his own music. This keyboard and synth soaked Indie R&B is just what I imagine Prince and Passion Pit's baby would sound like, were it born in Portland, Oregon and then moved to the neon-lit Miami streets in its young adulthood.
Complicated metaphor but you get the point.

Blood Orange's #1 song, 'You're Not Good Enough', paints the perfect mental picture of the self-empowering insult to your ex-lover that they'll never be good enough for you and that you're cutting them out for good. I mean, how many times have we all wanted to have the guts to tell our ex that they suck and were never good enough for you? I think we all need a little courage like that.

All the other stuff I've heard off the album is great too. Give them an ear!

As always,
Happy Listening!

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