Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Magic Man--Now You Hear Them....

I must find a better way to keep myself disciplined into making sure I keep writing on this blog. I've got to make sure I keep letting my creativity grow in all aspects that I can. I'm going to keep working on my guitar skills and cooking, and I'm still going to keep hoping that this blog will lead me somewhere.

But enough about me!

Well, maybe a little more about me....I'm an avid Spotify user. I absolutely love Spotify. I only have the free version right now, but I'm planning on buying Spotify Premium and just letting my music obsession ensue. But the other day, I was listening to a playlist and a commercial came on advertising this band that just came out with a new album. And as the woman who was speaking about the bands voice talked about the album and the new hit song, I listened to the actual song that was playing in the background that I decided was rather catchy, at least to my ears. I immediately grabbed my phone before the ad went away so I could check out the album, and upon inspection by playing it on shuffle, I decided I really liked their band.

I present to you...Magic Man:

So, no, I didn't find this band on Twitter, but I did find them in an unconventional way, so I think I'll let them qualify. I really think everyone will enjoy their sound. I hope that they become more popular.

They use quite a bit of electronic/synthetic elements to their music; thoroughly an alternative/indie band. The lead singer's voice sounds distinctly 80's to me and I don't really know myself what that means, but it makes me feel like I'm transported back to that time. And the girl on the keyboard/synth is a rockstar. The fast beats of their songs give you the feeling of (to quote their song) having "a restless heart".

I could see myself running into the sea to these songs, splashing wildly into the ocean spraying the foam all around. I can feel myself driving fast down a highway into the evening sky with friends as we all throw our hands into the air and our voices into the night. These songs proclaim the notions of "restless hearts" and being "alive" to "live for it"; every melody bursting with a pulsing heartbeat driving you to take the next steps in your life and forget the past.

Check them out! Follow them on Twitter and YouTube! I promise you won't be disappointed. I love this album.

The song I found first was "It All Starts Here" in case you were curious.

Music Man Youtube Channel
Magic Man Twitter

As always, happy listening! -Ally

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