Saturday, March 29, 2014

Fourth & Coast-ing Into Your Heart

Back when I used to spend hours upon hours on Twitter, I was a groupie for Yellowcard and Imagine Dragons and followed their every tweet religiously, and tweeted at them constantly though they never tweeted back. However, because of my ever-present visibility on their pages, some small bands and beginning artists started following me like wildfire, and some of them are honestly very good.

One of those many bands is the one I’ll be showcasing today is Fourth & Coast. They’ve gotten more popular now than when I first found them, but nonetheless they’re still great so they deserve a little shine.

This is the kind of band that Hollister picks to blare while you're feeling your way through the darkness trying to find your size in their overly priced cotton t-shirts (I'm being hypocritical right now though cause I love me some Hollister). I would describe their sound as pop punk, so like, All Time Low-ish...but more like Hot Chelle Rae and Allstar Weekend. It’s the kind of music you would sashay around your room with hairbrush-microphone in hand and flinging your mane to a wild mess of tangles, shout singing lyrics a little off-key...or extremely off key.

What is doubly cool about this band (and I use doubly for a reason) is because they have two albums out now! So double the music, double the fun, right?

The earlier one is Heavy Hearts and surprise, surprise, has love-based tunes that someone would expect to be belted out by that sensitive guy who sits on the lawn outside and plays his guitar just for anyone listening because “he’s just chill like that, man.”

The latest EP is called Feels Like Summer. This is the stuff you blast on the way to the beach with the windows down doing that stupid dolphin thing you do with your hand when you stick it out the window that’s interestingly entertaining and doesn’t have an expiration date on what age is acceptable to do it. DOLPHIN HANDS 4 LYFE. 

Some tracks that I really like off the albums would be:

1.     “Feels Like Summer”, the album titled song that embodies the carefree summer jams you'd want to blare as soon as you’re finished with your final exams and finalizing your plans to increase your risk of skin caner and decrease your amount of stressful occupations.


 “Ain’t Got a Care in the World”. You know that song that makes you rock your head/body side to side in pure euphoric bliss in your car, unaware of all the other drivers that are staring at you half judgingly, half wishing that they were having as much fun as you were on their commute? This is that jam.

3.     “Heavy Hearts”. Another album titled song. I just really like this one because it’s soulful. The simple acoustic quality just gives it that sweetness that makes you wish you had someone to lay your head on their shoulder. It’s just that kind of sound.

So! Follow them on Twitter! @fourthandcoast 
They’re also on iTunes and Spotify and of course their Youtube channel: FourthandCoast

OOH! And a new one that they just released!

Happy listening ya'll!

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