Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Birds of Tokyo: Soaring To The Top Charts

Sorry for not being around for a while. Finals are coming up and I also got a job so I've just been a little too busy to keep up with my research...but good news! Another new follower! And these guys are seriously great.

I love their sound. It's got this really hopeful quality to it. I've decided it sounds like the part of a soundtrack where the two single people who lost their love together both realize that they actually had something worth fighting for...(cue montage of the two people running towards each other dramatically and meeting in the middle).

Cheesy image but you get the point.

I really like the lead singers voice. I guess it's not really unique in the way you would categorize Adele's sultry voice or the lead singer of The 1975's thick Manchester accent, but I think it's a tone we haven't really heard in the lead singer of a bands voice for a bit. Recently, I feel like boy-band tenors are the craze, and while there is totally nothing wrong with that sound, it just gets a little overdone don't you think? Which is why I like this guy! His voice is a lot more mellow and pretty mid-range.

The whole band's sound owns the dramatic optimism that's great for driving, studying, hanging out with your friends, or doing anything else that could use a little drama. Not that your life needs anymore of it, but you understand what I mean. Sometimes, life could use a touch of theatrics, just something to remind us of our youth and the short amount of time we have to make it count. After all, no one ever smiles fondly about the nights where they got plenty of sleep in their room...alone. Everyone wants to remember the night that you shouted off the rooftops to the city below, or danced on the bar with your friends confidently without liquid courage to even blame it on, or boldly kissed a stranger and realized that that kiss was the best thing you've felt in a while.

Everyone wants a moment where they can (to quote Perks of Being A Wallflower) feel infinite.

I want a night like the scene where Charlie just reaches his head out of the truck a stretches his arms out wide with a grin like he's flying under the bridge.
To do on Bucket List: Perform Charlie's flight on a perfect night with perfect friends blaring perfect music.

My favorite song of their creation, along with a million (literally) others is "Lanterns". This song is the epitome of that hopeful tone that is synonymous with being young and wild and free. Honestly though, I haven't found a tune yet on their albums that I don't like.

I highly encourage you guys to check them out on Spotify or buy their stuff on iTunes. Listen to them on their YouTube channel: birdsoftokyo and follow follow follow follow them on Twitter cause that's what this blog is all about! @birdsoftokyo

Listen away my fellow music lovers!

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