Saturday, March 29, 2014


I met these two guys that also lead worship in my church band--James and Warren Major. They're identical twins that are equally as talented in music as the other. They are so identical that in their band's music videos, Youtubers commented that they were amazed that one guy switched from piano to guitar in between camera shots. Some of the few ways I've learned to differentiate between the two is by the direction they part their hair and the style of hugs they give. Weird, I know, but it works.

By the way, I'm a worship leader at my church in Orlando, guys.

But anyway, the twins and their friends happen to have a band which also happens to be very good for which I happen to think you should give a listen to.

How I would categorize their sound, from a comparability standpoint and because they do a few covers of their songs, is that they sound kinda like one of my personal favorites, Augustana. Yeah, you all remember the song "Boston" that we all slaved over the piano for hours to try and play that tinkling melodic intro? I do, because I did. And I learned it by ear so it's probably not even right. No shame.

Anyways, their name is Savannah and they have one album out so far called Vessels but they are about to go back into the studio very soon to create another masterpiece which I'm sure will be just as great, if not better, than their first album.

I personally really enjoy the tracks "Violent Red" and "Nowhere To Run" but I think they're all good listening.

If you wanna give them a listen, they are on iTunes, Spotify, Youtube, and you can also follow their Facebook page. Not sure if they have a Twitter cause I haven't found it yet but I'll keep you posted if I do.


Youtube account: wearesavannah

Violent Red: 

Nowhere To Run:

Happy listening!! :)

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